Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It's difficult to see but that tooth on the left has a long crack in it all the way to the root. I have been in enormous pain. Finally, today, I went to the dentist, got a shot of Novocain, some antibiotics and pain medication, along with the bad news that there is no saving this tooth because of the length of the crack. I have been referred to an oral surgeon who will put me under, pull both parts of the broken tooth and then fit me with an implant. Total cost of all of this business....SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS! So the search begins immediately for a cheaper life experience.
Worse than that, Aaron & I are not on the same page lately. Well, we are, then we're not, then we are again. All that back and forth is more difficult than not at all, I think. I am eagerly anticipating the moment where we see eye to eye again. I enjoy life much more when that is the case.
Way worse than all of that, my old friend Brandy lost her mother due to a heart attack last night. It was very unexpected. Brandy lives far away from me in Minnesota. I wish so much that I could be there with her every day for a while to comfort her and take care of things for her. She was really close with her mom and I know she will suffer much from this. She also lost her beloved dog of almost 20 years just two weeks ago. It is almost too much for anyone to bear and I feel for her.
Oh Tuesday...wretched wretched Tuesday. It's my least favorite day of the week. Way more so than evil Monday. Bad things always happen on a Tuesday. Always have. I dread Tuesdays.

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