Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Crazy, lazy Daisy

This is our sweet, super-stinky, adorable dog, Daisy. I have hundreds of blurry pictures of this dog because she is only still when she is asleep. She was so spastic when we first got her that we couldn't even pet her. What a wiggle worm!
Aaron found her smack dab in the middle of the road on a very hot July day. She was extremely malnutritioned and, as a result, her hind legs didn't work very well so she would drag them behind her as she walked. But soon, she fattened up and got healthy and now, years later, you would never know she was ever sickly.
She would trip over her ears, smack her face on the ground but get back up, completely unfazed. When she was little Aaron and I would play with her in the living room with a tennis ball. He would throw it a few times and she'd chase it and, maybe, bring it back. Then he'd pretend to throw it and she would search for long minutes. It was so funny. For a hound dog, she is not too good at the hunting. Maybe her sniffer is broken.
She loves snacks. Our other dog, Mack, is really not that concerned about the snacks. He just wants love. But Daisy's primary daily goal is to get some snacks.
Also, she used to be a chicken eater but has since changed her ways and we are perplexed as to why. She now shares her part of the yard, dog house and water bowl with our hen, World's Smallest Chicken, and we can't figure out why this chicken. Is it because she is smaller? She looks more like a large dove than a chicken. Is it because the hen is confused and thinks she is a rooster sometimes? (She does crow on occasion!) Whatever the reason, Daisy and World's Smallest Chicken get along just fine. Better than fine. They appear to really like each other.
Daisy is one of the absolute cutest creatures I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I'm so glad Aaron saved her that day and that we decided to keep her when we picked her up from the vet's office. That was the day our little farm started to grow.

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