Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sticking around la casa

This week, Aaron and I have lived outside our normal routine and it has been so nice. Usually we are go! go! go! from the minute I get off work until we go to bed at night. The routine is usually:
Get home
Change clothes
Let the dogs out
Clean a little or water/weed the garden while he finishes his FedEx's
Love on animals
Grab gym towels, water bottles and gym bag
Head to FedEx and drop packages
Go to the gym
Go to dinner
Sometimes run some errands after dinner
Go home
Feed and put up animals for the night
Work on projects or finally relax
Shower & hit the hay

But this week has been:
Get home
Water or clean
We run around our town vs going to the gym
(he has finished his FedEx's early, dropped them off and returned home by the time I get there)
I make dinner while he works on his race car trailer
Clean up
Feed/put away animals
A little lovey dovey
Lights out

So much better! Plus, I already had almost all the food for three night's dinners at the house so nothing's going to waste this week.
Aaron says it's getting us ready for when Small Ferrell comes. We'll be used to being home and eating there instead. It will be winter when she arrives and I don't want to drag her out in the cold while she is so small. I am looking forward to playing with my old recipes again and coming up with some new yummy stuff for dinner, too.
Aaron finished redoing his trailer last night and is almost ready to race in a week and a half. I am so excited for that. He hasn't raced all season. He has been so busy working to sock away money for the baby. He has worked late almost every day and all weekend since we found out I was pregnant. I am glad for him to get to work on his projects now, relax and have fun. He totally deserves it!

Tomorrow I will tell you all about the pillow that has saved my pregnant life.
Ciao for now!

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