The only real negative I have experienced, aside from the early, occasional nausea and early, extreme fatigue, has been lower back pains on the right side. (By the way, I had read a book very, very early in my pregnancy which informed me of how much exercise plays a part in getting you through that fatigue stage. It really worked. It is hard to make yourself plow through when you feel that tired but it was so worth it and I always felt better because of it.) The back pain seemed to increase with running as I got further into my pregnancy and by month five I was really feeling some pain. I couldn't sleep well and then I would feel pretty bad the next day from lack of sleep. I had a hard time getting up from a chair or out of my car. I couldn't walk fully erect during most evenings. Warm baths didn't seem to relieve it either. Aaron would rub the painful spot when it got too bad to deal with. Luckily that did help long enough to get a few hours of sleep.
Aaron has this client, Natalia, who had twin boys three years ago. She met Aaron last week to pick up a machine she had ordered. When she got out of the car, she said, "I have something for you," and pulled out this enormous pillow. Aaron had not even told her about my recent struggles. She just knew and even said, "I figured she would be getting pretty uncomfortable by now." Blessed, sweet, wonderful Natalia!!!!!
This pillow takes up half the bed at least. It also puts a border around me so there is no more snuggling for poor Mr. Ferrell. I am sure he is glad to get his sleep back, though. The pillow is like a mini recliner for your bed. All that it is lacking is a cup holder. Oh, it is so perfect! I have slept so soundly since I got it and, miraculously, I have no more back pain during the night or most of the day! I honestly haven't slept all night for months until the magic pillow entered my life.
After I ran yesterday evening, the pain was back and I got worried. Just not knowing if it will only get worse as I get bigger causes worry. I can handle it for now, but it does border on overwhelming at times and I have tried very hard not to take any kind of pain reliever since I got pregnant. It appears I have nothing to worry about, though. (Knock on wood.) After my run, I picked up the house, watered the garden, made dinner, did dishes, fed the dogs, put up the chickens and duck; all the while my back continued to hurt. As soon as I crawled into bed the pain started to subside. This pillow allows you to position yourself just right to completely alleviate the back pain. It is just amazing!
So that is the very long, drawn out story of my magic pillow. If you are pregnant or know somebody who is, I highly recommend this for you or them. This particular pillow is a LeachCo Back n Belly pillow. You can find it online for seventy bucks with shipping. I have not seen this exact pillow in any of the baby departments I have been in so online may be your best bet.
Sweet dreams!
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