Side note: Pandora blares in the background and now "Woman" by Wolfmother has rolled onto my Cage the Elephant Radio Station. hmm. This song is one of many that have forever been changed for me thanks to Guitar Hero. I only hear the guitar part now. Only.
We now return you to the (semi...well, not quite) regularly scheduled blog. I wish I were this creative. I wish I had ideas all my own. Occassionally I do but they are not creative in an artsy way. They are only creative in a practical way. For example, latches on gates to prevent escape artist, tiny chickens; supsended train tracks for a friend's Christmas train around her outdoor pine, etc.
But I see creativity expressed in this way and I am always lured in by the uniquity, the colors, the lighting, the scene, the mood. Then I often attempt to plan some sort of party where I could copy this scene practically. The only party that ever ever ever comes to mind (likely because it's the only way I could make these silly urges make any sense,) is a Mad-Hatter party. Wonderland is a marvelous thing and I would give anything if my friends shared my interest in "pretending" like when we were kids. Wouldn't the world be a better place?
Should I shoot up this town hall meeting to get my point across? Heaven's no...I think I'll throw another tea party and insist we all dress like French royalty from 1709 or dress like an animal you might find in the canyons. See? Brilliant! And peaceful. That's why it's pretend.
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