I know this picture is so gross. I took it at the breakfast bar of a hotel this weekend where we met our friends before we went to our friend's dad's funeral. I had never seen one before and I was instantly in love. I just got a fabulous recipe for french toast that you grill in the waffle maker, too, so yeah-perfect timing!
What I didn't know was that Mr. Ferrell was instantly on ebay via iphone and he bought me one on the spot!!!! He didn't tell me until after the funeral. So sweet. Then, later that night, we went to dinner and on the way downtown he told me that I had very good taste. He was initially speaking of the type of horse I want that we have been pouring over the internet for and can't find. But then he said he thought I had good taste in everything; the way I dress, the way I decorate our house for everyday and then for holidays. He said I have style. I felt so good. That was so wonderful to hear from him. You have no idea how it made my day! Week! Year!
Also, about a month ago I was reading someone's post who talked about the beauty of being loved for just who you are. I feel loved every day. I feel very grateful for the way he shows love to me...and for the ways other friends show love to me. I do feel loved. But, almost like he was reading my mind that night when I got home, he was talking about a mistake I had made and he said that he wouldn't have me any other way. That he loves me just as I am and he really likes the quirky part of me that makes mistakes. It feels so good to know, to have someone actually tell you, that you are wonderful to them and they love you because of everything about you, not in spite of.
I'm here to tell you that this man & I have been through some tough stuff together. Sometimes, I am amazed that we were able to stick it out. I am so glad we did because I have never seen him the way I see him now. I thought I loved him more than I ever could in the beginning of our relationship. I was wrong. I love him so much more now. I understand him so much more now. I find peace and beauty in so much more now. I still have my hang-ups (and they are mine, not his,) and I still wonder sometimes if we make the right decisions about things. But I love him so much and I am over the moon about how he makes me feel. He makes me feel like the universe is ours again. Like it felt when he swept me off my feet and asked me to go through this journey with him.
Summer would never be so welcome and wonderful if you never knew the long, cold winter.
I save my gushings for him usually. I don't post it on facebook. I don't brag to all my friends. But today I am saying it for everyone to hear. I love Aaron!!!! Life is more beautiful when there is love.
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