I have always remembered peoples' hands. I have always paid attention to them. I adore Aaron's hands. I love how strong they are. I love the way his fingernails look. I love his hands when they are dirty even. (I like to talk like Snagglepuss and put "even" on the end of sentences.) When his hands are dirty, he has been doing things that he loves most in the world: gardening, working on race cars, building stuff, etc. I love to feel his hand in mine. I love to watch his hands work or type or dial a phone. I love his hand on top of my steering wheel in my car, while he drives me around and we listen to fun music. I could describe every detail of his hands from memory. I know each finger, every vein, all the scars and lines. I really love to kiss his hands which he never lets me do unless he has just washed them. Luckily he washes his hands often.
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