I started this thinking it would make things easier in lieu of my journal but then realized there are things I don't want to put out into the world about my feelings. However, I have noticed that when I write about things that have happened, people I see, places I go, on a specific day, I tend to remember the feelings as well. As I am sure most people do. I often miss days on end with my journal but was hoping that would not be the case if I had the blog to quickly type the goings-on of my life. Then I could still write about the feelings in the journal but have a more consistant log on here. Then I already missed a day, two days in. It ain't looking good.
The 4th events are over, most of my out-of-town relatives have gone back home and things are settling down again. My great-niece is still here, staying with us until 7-16. Two whole weeks with her and I am very glad for it. We hardly know one another so I knew this would be difficult at times; lots of silent moments. But we are really getting to know each other. Aaron has made that easier. He's the funny one in the family and he is good at breaking the ice.
I beat everyone at Monopoly last night. I remember as a kid how our Monopoly games would last for days because we would bail one another out of bankruptcy over and over. This game was only about 5 1/2 collective hours between two evenings.
Aaron chased Alex with a spider and scared her to death. After his workout we went downtown to eat at Pei Wei, which is always good. Then we finally finished (stayed awake through the rest of) The Village. Alex said it was not as scary as it was interesting. I think so as well. So that was Wednesday. Tomorrow my nephew, Jason, will be 31 and I wish I were in SLC to celebrate with him.
Until tomorrow~ (maybe)
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