What a big weekend we had. Friday night I rushed over to BJ's to meet Aaron, his sister, her son and new boyfriend, Aaron's mother and boyfriend and Aaron's sister's old friend, Janet. We were all gathered to be introduced to the sister's new bf. It was ok. Then Aaron and I raced home, got his FedEx's together, raced to the airport then to dinner with Arun, Dee, Judy and Arun's mother at Fogo de Chao. They were in town from OKC to fly out in the morning to the Virgin Islands. Great food, great laughs and awesome company. Traffic was horrible on the way home and what was worse is, Aaron had to drive their car back to our house so we were split up through the construction mess. Blah! Finally made it home, took care of the animals and went to bed. We were both so tired!
Saturday we went to FedEx to pick up some packages, Starbuck's then Russell Feed for hay and dog food. Talked to Caron, Aaron's other sister on the way about her trip to Houston. She cracks me up! We cleaned up around the house. I cleaned the front porch and Aaron cleaned out the barn. Then we went to Decatur to drop some stuff off and take some stuff to the dump and the scrap metal yard. We made way more money off the scrap metal than we had to pay at the dump! Hooray. Then we saw my parents and brother driving through Decatur so we turned around and hurried to our place to meet them and they never showed. Finally called to find out they were eating lunch. Thanks for the invite, snooties! ;) So off we went to get cleaned up and go with the Screamers to Pawnee Bill's Wild West Show at Cowtown Coliseum. We have always wanted to check it out but never made it. It was kind of lame but still fun. The whip was cool. When I was a kid, my hero was Buffalo Bill Cody. My parents took me to Cody, Wyoming several times and we toured his old home and museum. I had posted of him in my room til college. A few years ago, Aaron and I stopped with some friends just outside of Denver to visit his grave. I imagined this show to be like what I had heard Buffalo Bill's to be but it fell drastically short. After the show, we let the Screamer kids ride the mechanical bull and venture through the maze. They had fun but it was so hot! Their faces looked like tomatoes when they finally found their way out. Then back home and dinner at the Screamers. Cheryl is a nurse and getting her doctorate in mid-wifery so she filled me in on all kinds of pregnancy news.
Sunday we loaded up Mack and took the mower to Decatur. After a stop at Starbuck's (weekend tradition,) we headed to our place. Aaron mowed and I cleaned inside and then watched a movie. Then we headed back home, worked around the house, tended animals (Harley Rabbit was very hot so I brought him inside and let him run around the bathroom,) cleaned out the old compost bin, set up the new one that I love, put up a hot wire to keep Ninja Pony out of the garden and then got ready for dinner with Tracy and Jenn. We were supposed to meet at Olive Garden but true to form, it was packed. So Zio's it was. Still good. Back home, fed all the animals, Aaron worked on probes and I watched bull riding, with Donnie Gay commentating. It's the best! Wish all weekends were three days like last week. Already looking forward to the next one. Even though I love the quote my old pal Frankie used to keep on her desk (and now I have a little wooden sign that reads the same thing,) "Don't count the days; make the days count!"